This happened years ago, 2016... but it still resonates when I am feeling down, so I thought I would post it.
It is easy sometimes to fall into a space where we think what we do is of little importance. Many years ago, I wrote a silly song... some words on paper, a few simple chords. I played it at shows, put it out on a CD. Then, out of the blue I recived this letter...
"Tiki King,
I want to thank you for your inspiration and your song ‘Shake It’.
I could say a fan and leave it at that – but I won’t … sit back, take a sip off your Gin Sling as I continue my tale.
Over the past few years I’ve had a couple of strokes that screwed up my left side, my speech and cognitive well-being. My wife and therapist ganged up on me said I should start music therapy. Along the way I was dragged, kicking and screaming, to everything from Bluegrass festivals to Ukulele festivals. As you probably have guessed – they thought the ukulele would be best. I told my wife okay but I get to pick the uke. I picked one that I figured she wouldn’t like. Lanikai’s Sailor Jerry Ukulele. Unfortunately, she liked it and I started my music therapy.
I started teaching myself to play from books, the internet and local jam sessions; but my heart wasn’t in it … until I found your website. Tiki, cocktails and ukes. Did I mention, one of my past lives was behind the sticks as a bartender specializing in craft and classic cocktails?
“Shake It” was my kind of song so I worked hard to not only play it but sing it as well.
It’s been less than a year and I play my uke every day. Every daily session starts off with “Shake It”. It is almost my anthem. When my coordination is off or I’m struggling with my fluency … out comes the uke and “Shake It.”
Due to my cognitive problems it was hard to remember things much less memorize something. About four months ago I was at a ukulele festival and my wife signed me up for open mike. And I had ”Shake It” on my iPhone. By the time I was done folks in the audience were singing the ‘shake it’ in the chorus with me. When I sat down I decided that if I can only memorize one song, it would be “Shake It”.
Which I did.
I can now play close to a dozen songs from memory and when I sing I have near normal fluency. My speaking fluency has improved greatly and I’m not as self-conscious about my disabilities.
And “Shake It” was a large part of my taking those steps towards recovery.
Thank you very much from a grateful fan,
PS My wife has family in San Francisco and we plan on a trip out there in 2017. Visiting your shop and thanking you in person is on my bucket list."
So there you have it. Do you matter? I guess sometimes you do.