Saturday, October 19, 2013

a long time coming

     Many years ago, when the internet was still kind of a thing you did at parties with people who actually had a home computer, a friend of mine built me a website. It was all very exciting. There were pictures, and you could click on stuff, and look at other stuff. I asked my friend who did the the code if I could have a section on this website where I could write stuff, and change it every now and again when I was drunk, or feeling creative or whatever. The answer was well, kind of, but it would require either him updating it, or me learning code.
    So utilizing a lot of beer and pizza, we put together a section that I could basically edit on my own, which I learned to do by reverse engineering.
    It was a process of web vivisection. I would cut into the code, and see what twitched.  I taught my self to read and write HTML this way, and so by trial and error, I created a little weblog that I could update myself when ever I felt so inspired.
    It was a little clumsy, and hard to read, as I thought red text on a black background was cool. And it was, but tended to give people headaches, which I know because as time went on, and the net became more busy, they told me in many, many, emails.
   I switched the text to blue, but that was not much better, so eventually, I made a page that looked like a sheet of sort of cream colored paper, and went with black text. You can still see it here:
  So here we are in the future. I realized that I could still have my page, but that there were places like this that were actually built to do exactly what I wanted to do.
  So here I am, talking into the void. I thought I would start by re-publishing those original posts here, and then see what happens. So here goes with the first post from long ago....

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